
15 June 2018

JK Moving and Loudoun Wildlife Conservancy partner to protect property in Loudoun

June 15, 2018 Leesburg, Va. — Loudoun Wildlife Conservancy (LWC) and JK Moving Services, a global moving, storage, relocation, and logistics enterprise, announced that they are partnering to protect an 87-acre parcel of land in northern Loudoun County called Stumptown Woods that has more native species of plants and wildlife indigenous to Loudoun and Virginia than is typical. To protect the land, JK Moving has purchased the property for nearly $1 million [...]

7 May 2018

Start of something good at JK Community Farm

May 7, 2018 Volunteers joined JK Community Farm Manager Michael Smith on Monday to plant the first crop at the farm: onions. The charitable farm is starting on 10 acres, where volunteers will plant, grow and harvest onions, potatoes, sweet potatoes, lettuce, Swiss chard, kale, tomatoes, peppers, and bush beans. In the first year, JK Community Farm is expected to donate 53,000 pounds of crops along with meat, at an estimate [...]

1 May 2018

First Volunteer Group Starts Planting at JK Community Farm in Purcellville

May 1, 2018 PURCELLVILLE, Va. – JK Community Farm, a signature charitable initiative of JK Moving Services, a global moving, storage, relocation, and logistics enterprise, is hosting its first volunteer day to start planting potatoes, kale, Swiss chard, lettuce, and onions that will be donated to and distributed to families and other hunger nonprofits by Loudoun Hunger Relief. Throughout the growing months, volunteer groups from around the region will help plant, [...]

12 April 2018

New Program Provides Sustainable Charitable Investment

April 12, 2018 LEESBURG, Va. – JK Moving Services, a global moving, storage, relocation, and logistics enterprise, announced the opening of the JK Community Farm, a JK Moving signature charitable initiative that will have a lasting and healthy impact on struggling families within the Loudoun community and beyond. The farm is a philanthropic effort designed to alleviate hunger by growing and harvesting crops and livestock and donating them to nonprofits, including [...]